Class constructor

pythonPal (const fileName& pythonScript, const bool& debug = true)

The python file address (pythonScript) is a required argument. An optional debug switch can be given to control how much information is printed to the standard output

Public member functions:

void passToPython(List& myList, const py::str& fieldNameInPython) const

This function creates a NumPy array in the Python interpreter with the name fieldNameInPython which references the data from the OpenFOAM List/Field myList . After this, any transformation of the fieldNameInPython or myList will be propagated to the other side.

When an OpenFOAM GeometricField is passed via passToPython, it will only transfer the internal field; if required, the boundary patches must be independently transferred.

void execute(const word& command) const

This executes the Python command given by command.

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